How to Earn Money from YouTube Channel Promotion?

how to earn money from youtube

As we all are running out of attention spans, videos can come to our rescue by keeping two of our five senses engaged in a much lesser time. A video is not just for shooting and viewing, but the answer of all our queries – be it watching the iconic scenes from a classic movie or learning the recipe of a favorite dish. This is where YouTube has catered to our changing needs just in the right way. So, becoming a YouTuber and selling channel merch that your audience will love is the perfect way to use it as a catalyst to further your income source. In this post, we’ll discuss all on YouTube importance and on how to earn money from YouTube Channel promotion by implementing some basic strategies.

The Importance of YouTube

YouTube is the world’s largest video site and #2 search engine. It is a ready-made platform that can catapult you to gain a substantial amount of money. 

In a most recent statistic, it has been reported that YouTube has more than billion users, which is almost one-third of all the people on the internet – and every single day people watch 5 billion videos on YouTube and around 10,000 videos generate over 1 billion views. Well, you may be surprised by the fact that YouTube can also help you make a lot of money out of it. Music artists like Rihanna and Justin Bieber are a few of the examples of the YouTube Stars who earned $2000 plus per day by uploading their music videos on their YouTube Channels. Of course, this is a great example that will surely inspire you to start your own Channel and earn money from YouTube. Also, one cannot deny the fame that comes along with the YouTube.

With more and more people producing video content, one needs to set their brand apart before it gets lost in the shuffle. In a broader sense, there is a fierce competition for those eyeballs. So, check out some of the top strategies to earn money from your YouTube Channel while promoting it to get more views, traffic, and subscribers:

Create Compelling Video for Your Channel

  • Your channel should reflect your brand story. So that your audience can relate to your content and know what you’re doing and what is the purpose of your video.
  • Peak curiosity within the first 15 seconds of your video. As these 15 seconds will only decide whether people are going to watch your video or not.
  • Your video should be valuable, helpful and engaging one that addresses your audience needs.
  • Your YouTube channel should adhere to the latest YouTube guidelines. Like if you fail to get 0.008 subscribers per view, there is no chance for you to earn money from YouTube.
  • A storytelling video that goes somewhere so that your viewers get excited to watch it.
  • Short video teasers can be a good start for people launching a new product such as a release of a new music album. This is a great idea to build a hype for your new videos. These teasers can be promoted through mini-video sharing sites like Twitter, Video, Instagram, and Vine.
  • Always do a thorough research on your niche to have an idea about the current taste of your audience and latest marketing trends. This will help you know exactly what your competitors are producing and thus you can create the content with more value.

Uniform Branding of Your YouTube Channel

  •  “Your YouTube Channel is your home away from home.” and it gives you a unique opportunity to build a great branded experience without spending a single penny. So choose colors and background that matches your brand. It would definitely add credibility to your profile.
  •  Your channel icon is your profile picture. Upload an image from one of your videos to make your audience easily recognizes your distinct voice.
  • Custom logos, banners, and layout help bring a consistent experience to your viewers.
  • A small video introducing your product echo the brand you’ve worked so hard to create will boost your video promotion efforts.

Build Subscriber Base

“Right mantra to increasing a viewership is to stay active on all social media platforms.”

  • Ask people to watch your videos and like & share them with their friends. YouTube is also a big social networking community. Speak to your YouTube community and request them to subscribe to your channel. Be consistent while doing this and don’t ever feel shy.
  • Organize your channel by creating playlists. Group your content while keeping the theme of your brand in mind – as it gets your viewers to watch more of your videos in a single sitting. This also improves search rankings as people will tend to spend more time watching your videos. More the viewers, the more you can earn money from YouTube.
  • Create a catchy title that is short and to the point. Include keywords that are relevant to your content. This would increase visibility and help you get the audience through the door. Your title would be a deciding factor whether or not to watch a YouTube video.
  • Grow your audience through contents. A free giveaway in the name of contest help expands your network. Ask viewers to leave a comment in return for a free product or service. This would not only encourage your current subscribers but non-subscribers as well.
  • Ask questions to your viewers and upload videos that give clear and accurate answers to their questions. It builds trust in your audience.

Promote Your Videos Publicly

There are various helpful tools like social media channels, website, newsletters, online forums to promote your video content. Here is a quick overview of such social media channels:

Facebook: You can reach a much wider audience via Facebook. Hence post and share your videos there to gain maximum viewers.

Twitter: Twitter video is the best way to post videos. And a video content on such platform can help you reap the most out of your video.

  • Write articles and blogs for every new video. Carve a content around it and deliver it to your blog or article subscribers.
  • Add videos to your company’s website and blog.
  • Share links to your videos with existing customers or clients via emails.
  • Include YouTube APIs so that your website as YouTube badges that shows your presence on YouTube and links to other channels.
  • Use the embed URL to embed your videos on your website. URL embedding will help in distributing your content across various blogs or channels.
  • Make the best use of video tags. These tags should include as much of the information about your video or brand. For example, if you’re a music artist, then include tags like your name, music genre, etc. Similarly, if you’re promoting a product, then it should consist of tags like product name, model, features, type, etc.

Optimize Your Videos Based on YouTube Analytics

  • Make sure that you check out your video analytics to gauge the number of views, ad performance, time watches, age group, etc. This is necessary to see if your video is reaching your target audience and if you need to implement any changes in your existing strategy.
  • Watch time is a prominent factor to get better search rankings. Viewer watch time on your channel and on a per-video basis is now a metric that counts for the performance of your video. So make sure people do not abandon your video and spend more time while watching it.

Earn Money From YouTube Ad Network

Once you’ve built an enough subscriber base, you can now turn to YouTube ad network and earn money from YouTube ads you display on your videos. For this:

  •  You can choose a YouTube partner or link your YouTube channel with an AdSense account.
  •  You just need to create a studio and enable an option for monetization. Then, simply accept the YouTube Partner earn money from youtube terms and conditions.
  • Set your monetization preferences and get reviewed once your channel reaches 10,000 views. Here the golden rule is to keep producing original content if you are not able to get enough views.

Here is one great example of how we did it for one of our client:

We created a 360 degree public campaign for this video, where this video entitled “Bad Joke” was promoted on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. A comprehensive mix of digital marketing strategies, including content marketing, branding, social media marketing was built to promote this YouTube video. Eventually, the video became very popular and within 3 days it got whopping 89, 285 views, which is still growing.

All you need is a perfect strategy and determination to earn money from your YouTube Video. Share with your audience what you’re planning to do in future. This will make them come back and see your next episode.

That’s it! Go forth and convert.



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